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Showing posts from February, 2011

Come South, Cam Sur!!!


Taho is a snack food made of Tofu (white) Sago (tapioca ball) & Arnibal (brown sugar) Eat while it's hot else you won't enjoy it. You know there's Taho coming when you hear Manong shout: Taho! Ta -ho!! Ho! Hoh! T'hoah!! that's in different tunes depending where you live :) P10.00/cup

Head and Heart

we're happy we're sad we're hurt we're saved we're suffering we're lonely we're crying we're united  we're divided we're uninvited Every feelings we have, emotions, happy or sad, aggravating, agitating. We all have that and it's a human thing but remember it is not the heart that should control us alone. When deciding we must learn to use our brain conjunct with our heart. 


weeeeee!! yes!!! My highest score to date and that's pure play no cheat plus there's no thrill in dirty playing.  Bejeweled is so easy to play so why cheat anyway. My cousin asked me how I do it because she's impressed with my score. Well just click as fast as you can and keep your eyes on screen. =D Additional tip: wait till the special gem appears, once you have it buy 3 boosts and use them at the same time. I started playing this mid 2009.. haha! A friend invited me and since then we've been playing and always aiming our name place on top of everyone else #1 , the two sisters are so good, It's very rare that I score ahead of them and today this is my best highest score. :)