tiger nurses piglets (photo owned by hoax-slayer.com) |
Tiger Personality
Occupying the 3rd position on the Chinese Zodiac, tiger people are daring fighters, you are capable of standing up to the better end for what you think is right.Above all the Tiger is passionate and romantic. You let people know where they stand with you as you readily display your feelings.The Tiger is a stick of dynamite waiting to go off. You are born leaders and usually have the charisma to cause people to naturally follow them.Tigers are very confident, perhaps too confident sometimes,so you pride yourself in being able to take care of yourself and want someone who will support but not be paternal towards you. And you usually choose to operate alone.And are difficult to resist, for you are magnetic characters and your natural air of authority confers a certain prestige on them.At last you are sensitive, emotional.
People Luck of Tiger Zodiac
Your lucky Flower: Fortune chrysanthemum
Your lucky Number: 1,3,4 Your Inauspicious Number: 7,6,8
Your lucky color: blue,gray,white,orange Inauspicious Color: gold,silver,brown,black
Your lucky direction: south,east,southeast
Your lucky Number: 1,3,4 Your Inauspicious Number: 7,6,8
Your lucky color: blue,gray,white,orange Inauspicious Color: gold,silver,brown,black
Your lucky direction: south,east,southeast
Tiger Zodiac compatible
Tigers are compatible with a Dog and a Horse and are incompatible with a Goat and an Ox.
Celebrities of Tiger Zodiac
Queen Elizabeth II, Marilyn Monroe, Sun, Yet San, C.A. Lindbergh, Karl Marx, Beethoven
Do you believe in Astrology? Well it can be fun to read esp the personality traits, etc. however I don't read daily horoscopes, it's untrue. I try not to be influenced by its assumptions, predictions, it is I who will decide for myself. Also I am not a straight follower, I break rules once in a while but not to the extent of getting caught with illegal drugs, stealing, driving under the influence of alcohol (as if I'm the driver) that will end up in jail. Well just been suspended from work, terminated, etc. hahah. I worked at an early age, left home after I finished High School to pursue college education despite of being poor. In my 20's my love life was active and colorful but as I approached 30'ish I slowed down, become picky... yes, because I've learned from my past mistakes. Anyway, when I started working as office secretary, I learned to save money and as time passes by I'm growing, learning and become mature in dealing with people. But office work is a boring job, I get bored most of times, good thing my employers are lenient that I stayed and service them for 8 years now. Imagine? It's not the job that keeps me moving, it's the people around me, closed to me and the people I'm working with. As long as they need my service I am here, but when my knight in shining armor, my prince charming come to take me that's the time I will leave. "may ganon"
So why I post and share this, well out of boredom... what else is new. Oh yeah I went back working out, first time yesterday after a month of slacking. And today thought I googled zodiac signs, and of many zodiac and Chinese astrology I have read, this one is I thought the best that describes me. lol and why I chose that photo is because I was born in the year of the tiger and I like piglets, in fact I have started collecting pig.. (not the real ones) pigourines, displays, stuffed toys, any pig stuffs. :D
So why I post and share this, well out of boredom... what else is new. Oh yeah I went back working out, first time yesterday after a month of slacking. And today thought I googled zodiac signs, and of many zodiac and Chinese astrology I have read, this one is I thought the best that describes me. lol and why I chose that photo is because I was born in the year of the tiger and I like piglets, in fact I have started collecting pig.. (not the real ones) pigourines, displays, stuffed toys, any pig stuffs. :D