Oh, Hi guys. When I eventually return to my blog site, I realize that it took me years to decide to bookmark this page. Naturally, I forget the password each time I return to log in. Changing the password is perfectly OK, but for security reasons, it's best to do so every three months. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I have been itching every day all over my body, including my face, neck, and ears. I also have hot flashes in my ears, which cause them to turn red. In 2016, at the onset of winter, I began to feel, then took a break and felt once more. After winter, November 2017 took another break, and I am bothered by it this year. Furthermore, I had missed periods for 4 months; it's freaking me out, but my friends hardly noticed it, and only my best friend knew about it. I searched and browsed the net for the possible cause of this; some say it's food allergies, too much sugar, that maybe I am allergic to sea foods, gluten, etcetera. You know never have I been ...
time is a commander, do it or regret it, hour choice