Oh, Hi guys.
When I eventually return to my blog site, I realize that it took me years to decide to bookmark this page. Naturally, I forget the password each time I return to log in. Changing the password is perfectly OK, but for security reasons, it's best to do so every three months. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I have been itching every day all over my body, including my face, neck, and ears. I also have hot flashes in my ears, which cause them to turn red. In 2016, at the onset of winter, I began to feel, then took a break and felt once more. After winter, November 2017 took another break, and I am bothered by it this year. Furthermore, I had missed periods for 4 months; it's freaking me out, but my friends hardly noticed it, and only my best friend knew about it. I searched and browsed the net for the possible cause of this; some say it's food allergies, too much sugar, that maybe I am allergic to sea foods, gluten, etcetera. You know never have I been allergic to foods of all sorts; that is why I was surprised why I am experiencing this. Then I read about the symptoms of hormone imbalance; oh yeah, I am past 40s, so that could be the culprit. So, I decided to consult this with OB. Ok, fast forward. I told the doctor of my problem, and she asked if I am married or single and my weight. I just told her everything. She sent me to the lab to collect a blood sample and will get the result on the next day, so I'm back home. Then it finally arrived, and I said to myself, "Wow, thank God and "inis" at the same time because, you know, back in the clinic, the nurse said they called my insurance provider and that the LAB test is not covered and that I should pay for 200 dhs. What??! Is there any way I can have my test somewhere else just to test if I'm pregnant or not? They said no because they were going to need documentation. So ok, but 200 dhs is a lot; can you make it less since I am 101% sure I am not pregnant? She thought and asked me for 70 dhs plus the other fee of 30 dhs, and I agreed and swiped my credit card.
You see the irony; my period came just after I went to the doctor. If only I waited for at least 2 days, I could still use that money for food or send it to my sister overseas. Anyhow, I have another thing to consult—guess what?
Pray for miracles.